Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pakistan, do you think we are fools?

There are some questions in my mind today. I want to know who Pakistan thinks they are trying to fool? Themselves?

Yesterday night i was watching Times Now when this particular former chief of some Important organization or something was brought live on the channel. The newsreader asks him about about ISI and ex-army men of Pakistan training terrorists. He clearly denies any role of ISI and says Let is banned in Pakistan so Pakistan is not involved in the terror attacks. The newsreader then asks him "WHERE DOES LeT OPERATE FROM?". The answer "LeT IS BANNED IN PAKISTAN". Once again "WHERE DOES LeT OPERATE FROM?" The answer "LeT is banned in Pakistan". So "WHAT THE F**K DO I DO IF LeT IS BAN IN PAKISTAN??. Let that go to hell, but yes" LeT OPERATES IN PAKISTAN" . The whole world knows this FACT.That former chief of something knows this FACT very well and must be saying, "LeT OPERATES IN PAKISTAN BUT WHAT DO WE DO OUR HANDS ARE TIED DOWN."

Another question put forward by the newsreader is that " if 10 young Indians from Mumbai traveled by boat to Pakistan, shot up two hotels in Karachi and the central train station, killed at least 173 people, and then, for good measure, murdered the imam and his wife at a Saudi-financed mosque while they were cradling their 2-year-old son — purely because they were Sunni Muslims — where would we be today?

The man tongue tied, talks about terrorism being No. 1 problem in his own country and other crap. Another question remains unanswered.

I want to know that "When the Indian government had asked Pak to send its ISI chief to India it sent across an official confirmation that it would. But why was that U-turn later on from Zardari?".
"If Pakistan really wants to fight terrorism why is it not cooperating?"

When Zardari was on Larry King Live he said that he will not handover the most wanted terrorists that India had listed. "I seriously think that while he was saying that at the camera there must be 5-10 people pointing guns at him".

" Pakistan says that if India gives proof against the terrorists listed they will be tried in Pakistan courts and sentenced." HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA for this should be the " JOKE OF THE CENTURY ". Yea right. We believe you.

Pakistan talks bullshit like this and wants us to believe them when the whole world knows that Dawood Ibrahim lives in Karachi and has full support of the government as well as the ISI. It is a well known fact that Dawood is wanted for zillions of crimes, attacks, murders, bombings, drug smuggling, kidnapping and what not. And Pakistan asks for proof against Dawood.
When the Indian Intelligence agencies came to know about Abu Salem in Portugal along with his girlfriend. They were supportive. They allowed the Indian agencies there. Do you know why? Because their country is not controlled by insane people. It is clear from Pakistan's attitude that it is not interested in supporting India in a real way. The only thing they know is to give fake promises. Pakistan, we know you well. We've had enough of you since 1947. Those words might please the US but not us.

I remember reading somewhere that this person had predicted that World War III would start due conflicts between India and Pakistan. I so hope this is not true. The thought of it is so scary. God save this world. I am hoping for a miracle to happen. Waiting for the day when happiness, peace and prosperity will rule every country in the world.


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